Valerie 24 years ago and Kadence wore it
for her blessing day 5 September 2010.
Dear Valerie,
Thanks for the letter I have been doing great I have been pretty busy out here. I am training so it is different since I still don't know much. I have heard that the blessing went well. Mom has talked to Josie De Horta over Face book and she told her that the dress she wore was the same one that you wore for your baby blessing. I didn't know that. I have been improving a lot on my Spanish. It is crazy how much I can understand, but still same story on the speaking it. I love the language it is great. I am doing well and I have been able to see many people change in such a short period of time.
It is weird to think that I have been out almost half a year. I feel as if it is still just the first month that I have been gone. I don't know where the time went. This work is so true I love it so much. Make sure that you do as the Family Pro. says. If you teach gospel principles in the home you will see his hand in your life. I know that I don't have much room to talk but seeing the homes that don't have the principles taught just shows how important it truly is because it does truly bless families. I am grateful for the fact that we were raised in the gospel. We are truly blessed for this. I love this gospel so much and it means so much more to me now. I am able to see the gospel in so many things right now that it is great. I can relate a lot to the gospel, I have to thank Elder Fernandez for that. He got it, he truly got what the meaning of the Gospel really is. It is just what they teach us in Primary. Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring. So simple, that is it. I am so grateful for this gospel and the joy that it brings me. I am grateful to be serving a mission. I love this work so much and I don't want to do anything else anymore but serve, especially when it gets tough because that is when it gets the hardest.
Well enough of me. Thank you for your letter again I am grateful for it.
Con amor,
Elder Tyler T. Rasmussen
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